this is the second version of a free set of LightWave tools from db&w.
Version 1.1b:
Version 1.1a:
Version 1.1b includes:
This node allows you to split up materials into shading components, merge shaders into materials or blend different materials together.
On thing worth noting is the fact that the shading input always overrides the respective material, so if you connect a material to the "fg Material" input, the "fg Specular" will override the specular component of the material.
Kudos to Mike Stetson for coming up with the initial idea.
A node that offers the same colour correction options as the image panel, including gamma correction.
This master handler plugin sends notifications to Growl ( on OSX.
Supported events are:
You can use the Growl preferences to customize these.
This master handler plugin allows you to assign sounds to specific events.
Supported events are:
You can use "Control Panel/Sounds and Audio Devices" in Windows to assign sounds to these events.
Please Note
Due to a missing key in the registry, the 32bit version of the notifier may not play back sounds on 64-bit versions of Windows.
We'Ve included two registry files to add that missing key. If you don't hear assigned sounds on 64-bit windows from 32-bit LW, you should install either of them (or edit them to suite):
Wow64_MediaPath_C.reg : Sets the media search path to C:\WINDOWS\Media (the default for a normal Windows installation)
Wow64_MediaPath_D.reg : Sets the media search path to D:\WINDOWS\Media