-Introduced version numbers for following node pack updates
-Added Gaussian Reflections node: Sampling blurry reflections by use of Gaussian noise
-Added Gaussian Refractions node: same as Gaussian Reflection just for refractions
-Added Exponential Decay nodes (scalar and color)
-Added an offset parameter to the Ambient Occlusion node: Can fix shading problems with some geometry
-Added a sample depth parameter to the Ambient Occlusion node: Specifies behaviour when this shader is evaluated by sampled sources
-Added color bleeding options to the Ambient Occlusion node
-Changed Ambient Occlusion node: Now respects bump/normal maps
-Fixed possible crash in Ambient Occlusion node
-Fixed incorrect behaviour of the Hold Value and Counter nodes in "A Does (Not) Change" modes
-Fixed thread unsafe code of the Hold Value and Counter nodes
-Fixed Pixel Image node not saving the selected image properly
-Added Counter node: stores and increases a value each time it is called
-Added Get Material and Store Material nodes: these allow you to transfer a complex node tree between different node editors
-Added Hold Value node: saves a value from an input as long as the user-defined mode describes and then re-evaluates the input and the whole process starts again
-Added an alpha output to the Pixel Image node
-Added a "load Image" option to the Pixel Image node
-Changed the behaviour of the Pixel Image node to mimic LightWave's behaviour when images get deleted
-Added a Ray Recursion Limit output to the Render Info node
-Fixed delayed update of the Render Info node
-Added Sqrt node: calculates the square root of the input ;)
-Added Render Info node: gives access to information about (currently rendered) frames
-Added Pixel Image node: gives per pixel access to images
-Updated Take Samples node: replaced the scalar input with a color input and added two new modes
-Minor UI bug-fixes (some controls were not disabled correctly)
-Minor code bug-fixes
-Minor readme grammar-fixes :D
-Initial release